Saturday, October 10, 2009

Live Out Loud in Power and Authority

Do you realize the power and authority that resides on the inside of you? If you did, you can impact your life dramatically. Many times people allow their outside circumstances decide their next step.

When you are operating in this mode you are not making rational decisions. All decisions from this platform are made out of fear of what may occur, if you do not submit to the dictates of what you have heard, read, or received. Choose to make your own decisions, and do not be moved out of your position of power.

You have the power and authority within yourself to defeat any circumstance that comes your way. Recognize that you are the king or queen of your castle. It's more than just saying that phrase. You have to reflect this stance on the inside as well.

Let's take a look at the palaces of kings and queens to get a better picture. Approaching the king or queen was done with caution. Anybody or anything could not approach the throne, unless they were summoned. When someone did come into the presence of authority, they did so with caution. The presence of the king or queen emits power and authority; the entire atmosphere is charged.

Studies have shown that the majority of people who have gotten their purses snatched, or been car-jacked operated in a defeated stance. When the perpetrators were asked why they chose that person, it was said that they knew that person was easy.

Have you ever seen people in a parking lot how they walk and move, or even the way they take groceries out of their shopping cart? Just by observing these few things you can tell if that person is walking in confidence or defeat.

Square up your shoulders and stand erect, and conquer your world. You are a person of authority; circumstances have to bow to you. You have been given the power and authority, so assume your position. Allow boldness to rise from within, and voice what you desire. You must learn to operate from the inside out, and this will cause you to live out loud.

Next time you receive an unfavorable circumstance, make a decision right then that you will not settle, but the outcome will be on your terms. As humans, we are an amazing species. We are on this earth to live out our purpose, and operate in our higher intelligence.

Remember, your home is your castle, so do not allow threatening letters, lack, phone calls, or knocks on your door to disturb your peace. Rise up and declare out loud, that this is your stance on the matter. Make a firm decision, and you will see those circumstances bow at your feet. Live out loud in power and authority.

Gertrude J Chapman

Radio Host, "Your Turning Point," Motivational Speaker, Author

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The purpose of "Your Turning Point," is to inspire you to elevate your mind, let go of limiting beliefs, walk in your authority, and use your creative abilities to live your dreams.

The blogs that you see are intended to deliver messages of hope, because I believe there is greatness in everyone.

Remember, "Mount up like an eagle, go to the high place, your season is about to CHANGE!"

Gertrude J Chapman

Gertrude J Chapman
Radio Host, Motivational Speaker, Author

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Radio Host of "Your Turning Point," Author & Motivational Speaker.