Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10 Tips To Elevate Your Mind and Live Your Dreams To The Fullest

We are surrounded by all sorts of communication, so you must choose what you are willing to believe. In spite of what you may hear on the news, the economy is not affecting everyone, because people are still buying and selling. It is all about what you think.

Most of what is broadcasted is associated with fear. Fear is a powerful force, but not as strong as your love for the passion that lights you up. What causes your heart to leap? That is your passion. Do not allow fear to hinder you from achieving your goals.

Choose to dismiss that negative mindset, of what is being blasted across the airwaves, or in general conversation. Trust me; there is enough abundance in this world for everyone. There are no shortages, just lack of knowledge in how to obtain.

Do this exercise. If you are going through a trying time - tap into your innermost being and the answer will be there. Follow it and you will release yourself from that bondage. If it is financial, take inventory of your talents, and skills and use them to obtain extra money. Wealth is on the inside of every one of us.

Here is an example, your friends may enjoy your cooking, because you go all out and invite them over to sample new dishes you have prepared. So, why not start your business? You have been thinking about it, for a long time. It was your dream, as a child, but you allowed that dream to become encumbered.

It is not too late to pick up where you left off. You may just start out gathering business from word of mouth, but later your business will flourish, because it is your dream. Hundreds of people have started their empires from their kitchen table. The exposure of the internet is a good source to gain customers.

This is a clue to help you when you going through, and may not recognize that this is a turning point in your life. Dreams are always evident in a difficult situation. Confusion and difficulties are birth as a result of not recognizing your season of change.

Instead of worrying and stressing out just tap inside of yourself. Find out what is your passion. Pursue it and follow the pathway to your dream. Embrace your season of change.

Abundance and lack are choices. You choose how you live, and what comes into your life, by your thought patterns. You were created to be the head, and not the tail, prosperous and have good success, above only and not beneath. Stop settling for less. This is your time to launch forth into your dream.

Find the strength within yourself to let go. Believe me. When you come to a point of change in your life, there is no turning back. You have come to the end of yourself where you say, “Enough is enough I can no longer keep living this way.”

I have been right where you are. I know how it feels to view life through a window of a train just passing by, and feeling an empty void. On the inside of you there is greatness.

Square up your shoulders, look in a mirror and stare deep into your eyes, which are the windows of your soul. Declare to yourself that today is your day for a new beginning, and you have the power to create the life that you want through the thoughts in your mind. You are a creator. You have what you think, say and do. Choose wisely. Think wisely. Speak wisely.

Many people do not recognize their creative abilities. Looking back, how many times you worried about something happening, and it happened just the way you expected it to happen. So, why not change this thought pattern to expecting things to work out for the best? It takes the same energy to expect a favorable outcome, as to expect something unfavorable. Again you choose.

Here are 10 tips that will help you in the process:

1.) Elevate your mind, by having a good attitude, like that commercial A
positive attitude will help you see opportunities in this transition stage
of your life.

2.) Write down your vision or your dream. Make it concrete. When you have it
only in your mind it’s a fantasy. Give your dream life.

3.) Write down and set your goals daily, and complete them. Only write down what
you can accomplish for that day. It helps you to remain focused, and builds
integrity. If you cannot complete your list, start out the next day with
those items, and finish them first.

4.) Take inventory of yourself. See what is working and what is obsolete, and
replace with freshness and newness. Sometimes you may have to revamp how you
are doing things.

5.) Have an attitude of gratitude, for what you already have. Be thankful. Keep
it tidy, and clean. Do not despise humble beginnings; if that is where you
are at now, do your best to live in excellence, put forth your best effort.

6.) Meditate and visualize yourself operating in your dream in detail. See it.
Feel it. Express it. Speak it. Live it. Walk it out daily.

7.) Start cleaning out the clutter. Make room for your new season.

Give away excess stuff you are not using.
Replace or repair broken things.
Clean your surroundings.

The above actions produce these results:
a.) Builds self-esteem
b.) Lifts your energy level
c.) Helps you to focus
d.) Places things in motion

8.) Every day do this:

Live a piece of your dream to the fullest
Contribute your best every day
Impact this world with your gifts, talents and abilities

9.) Help someone obtain their dreams and in turn you will step into yours.

10.) Expect good things to happen. See it vividly in detail, and feel the joy and
satisfaction within yourself.

Make a firm decision that allows for no turning back, remove everything off of your plate that hinders you physically, mentally, and spiritually from living your dream. Maybe you are doing something now that should have ended a long time ago, and you feel a sense of guilt if you stop…do yourself a favor…let it go. Times and seasons change.

Once you have done this clearing process, it will feel as if a window is open, with a fresh breeze blowing through a crisp sheer curtain. You will feel connected with your inner strength, your energy level will be raised, opportunities linked to your dream will appear out of the blue, and best of all money will begin to flow your way.

Tap into your true self, and find your purpose, and not what someone else expects of you. When you do this, it will unlock the dreams in your heart to live your life to the fullest.

Gertrude Chapman
Radio Host, Motivational Speaker, Author

Website: http://www.embraceyourseason.wordpress.com

Email: gchapman@yourturningpoint.info

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Live Out Loud in Power and Authority

Do you realize the power and authority that resides on the inside of you? If you did, you can impact your life dramatically. Many times people allow their outside circumstances decide their next step.

When you are operating in this mode you are not making rational decisions. All decisions from this platform are made out of fear of what may occur, if you do not submit to the dictates of what you have heard, read, or received. Choose to make your own decisions, and do not be moved out of your position of power.

You have the power and authority within yourself to defeat any circumstance that comes your way. Recognize that you are the king or queen of your castle. It's more than just saying that phrase. You have to reflect this stance on the inside as well.

Let's take a look at the palaces of kings and queens to get a better picture. Approaching the king or queen was done with caution. Anybody or anything could not approach the throne, unless they were summoned. When someone did come into the presence of authority, they did so with caution. The presence of the king or queen emits power and authority; the entire atmosphere is charged.

Studies have shown that the majority of people who have gotten their purses snatched, or been car-jacked operated in a defeated stance. When the perpetrators were asked why they chose that person, it was said that they knew that person was easy.

Have you ever seen people in a parking lot how they walk and move, or even the way they take groceries out of their shopping cart? Just by observing these few things you can tell if that person is walking in confidence or defeat.

Square up your shoulders and stand erect, and conquer your world. You are a person of authority; circumstances have to bow to you. You have been given the power and authority, so assume your position. Allow boldness to rise from within, and voice what you desire. You must learn to operate from the inside out, and this will cause you to live out loud.

Next time you receive an unfavorable circumstance, make a decision right then that you will not settle, but the outcome will be on your terms. As humans, we are an amazing species. We are on this earth to live out our purpose, and operate in our higher intelligence.

Remember, your home is your castle, so do not allow threatening letters, lack, phone calls, or knocks on your door to disturb your peace. Rise up and declare out loud, that this is your stance on the matter. Make a firm decision, and you will see those circumstances bow at your feet. Live out loud in power and authority.

Gertrude J Chapman

Radio Host, "Your Turning Point," Motivational Speaker, Author





The purpose of "Your Turning Point," is to inspire you to elevate your mind, let go of limiting beliefs, walk in your authority, and use your creative abilities to live your dreams.

The blogs that you see are intended to deliver messages of hope, because I believe there is greatness in everyone.

Remember, "Mount up like an eagle, go to the high place, your season is about to CHANGE!"

Gertrude J Chapman

Gertrude J Chapman
Radio Host, Motivational Speaker, Author

About Me

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Radio Host of "Your Turning Point," Author & Motivational Speaker.